Prior to your appointment we need to ask a few questions to ensure we can proceed safely.

  • Do you have any of the following symptoms:
    • High temperature or fever?
    • New, continuous cough?
    • A loss or alteration to taste or smell?
    • Any respiratory issues i.e. colds, coughs, flu and covid, chest infections, etc
  • Have you or any member of your household/family had a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 10 days?
  • Are you or any member of your household/family waiting for a COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 PCR test result?
  • Have you travelled internationally in the last 10 days ?
  • Have you or any member of your household/family been advised to isolate by any NHS organisation in the last 10 days?

If you have answered YES to any of the questions above, please DO NOT enter the surgery. Please phone us on 01284 754169 and we will be happy to arrange another appointment after 14 days. Thank you.